We use 2 hydraulic presses, 3 mechanical presses 6 to 60 tonnes, 3 hydrogen furnaces, 1 vacuum furnace and 1 hood-type furnace. We offer:
  • part stamping and crimping;
  • drawpiece turning and milling;
Our extensive experience and advanced tool shop enables production of mechanical parts with high dimensional requirements made of stainless steel, cooper, molybdenum and special alloys, (fenico, ferronickel).

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05-500 PIASECZNO, Ul. Puławska 34
NIP: 123-00-05-935,
Kapitał zakładowy: 4.382.000,00 PLN; KRS 0000050300,
Sąd Rejonowy dla m. st. Warszawy w Warszawie,
XIV Wydział Gospodarczy

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